Monday, March 19, 2007

Brainstorming Rules to Maximize Your Brain Power

Too much of thought is spent on useless things for it to be truly helpful in tackling a big issue. If you have something you are trying to brainstorm about, you will probably run into a few problems if it is your first time brainstorming. It can be hard to focus on the problem at hand in order to find the best solution. You may also spend time thinking in directions that won’t end up helping you find the final solution. Therefore, you should follow certain brainstorming rules that have been used by brainnstormers for years. They will help you get started with the best brainstorming session.

The first rule of brainstorming is to ignore absolutely no idea. Anything that comes to you during the brainstorming process is one more idea than you had before, and therefore should not be discounted. Even if you think it is absolutely ridiculous when it first comes to you, you should write it down anyway. You may find it is more possible than you realized before, or that you can build a working plan off of its basic premise.

You should always keep either a piece of paper or a tape recorder with you during your brainstorming session. Either of these will allow you to record everything that comes to you, and maximize your brainstorming session. You can buy nice dictating tape recorders that will switch on whenever you start talking. These are often hailed as one of the best ways to keep track of your thoughts during a brainstorming session. Afterwards if you forget an idea, you can just hit the rewind key and listen to your very moment of revelation once again.

Once you are done, you may be faced with a horde of great ideas, or you may have found absolutely nothing. But brainstorming is a powerful process that allows you to unlock the vast resource that is your own mind, and allow you to think of the problem from a different standpoint and possibly be able to think of something. So give it a try. It will only take a short while, and may give you something that you never thought was possible.

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